Saturday, November 12, 2016

Working Class

Since the Pervert-elects win, I have heard numerous statements concerning the Democrats inability to reach working class voters.

Just who are these working class voters? I work. They reached me. Everyone one I know works. They reached them. So again who are these working class voters?

Is this class only exclusive to "Angry White America"?

If that is the working class, then Democrats have no responsibility to reach out to this group. This group, by being the primary reason behind electing a thug, pervert, unabashed racist, sexist and conman, has proven themselves to be so morally deficient that there is nothing to salvage. To work with something, there must be something to work with.

If appealing to Angry America means appealing to the lowest common denominator of a humans primal instinct then we need not send membership applications.

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